Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Jack wanting to be like his little brother!!
So Sweet!  My little angel!
Jack being VERY silly!

Jack REALLY wanted to lay in the bed with his little brother, next thing we knew he was laying next to him with a pacifier in his mouth kicking his hands and feet!  He thought he was SO funny! 

An afternoon with my boys :)

Love the way Jack looks at Reilly!
How many dogs would put up with this??
And this?
Who are you looking at??
What a perfect day to sit outside and play with the boys!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

GT vs. Duke Football Game!

We decided to take the boys to the Georgia Tech game today for family weekend.  Jack was very excited to see the "big bug" (a.k.a Buzz, the team mascot).  Unfortunately we did not see Buzz so Jack informed us that he was probably still sleeping!  Bennett did not get too excited about the game (thank goodness), but he did enjoy checking it all out.  GO JACKETS!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bennett...3 months old!

It is hard to believe that he is already 3 months old and even harder to believe that it has been 10 weeks since his open heart surgery!  Looking at him now, it is hard to believe that all happened.  He is such a blessing and truly our "little miracle!"

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The County Fair...

Taking Daddy for a Ride!
City Boy loving the cows!
Mommy and Jack riding the elephant!
Riding a four wheeler, just like Uncle Mark's!

We spent the morning at the Gwinnett Count Fair.  Jack had a lot of fun riding the rides, seeing the animals, eating corn dogs and of course the cotton candy!